“Autonomous robotics: current and future implementations”, by
Dr. Tsampikos Kounalakis
Time and date: 11:30-12:30, Thursday 8th of December 2022
Location: Lab2 Ground Floor EUC Main Building (see below)
Description: “Autonomous robotics technologies have seen many improvements throughout the years, with more of them being used in applications such as inspection and maintenance, agriculture, industrial applications and urban environments. In this talk, we are going to present the current technologies developed from the Danish Technological Institute and the robotics community. We are going to discuss the challenges and barriers that the industry is facing and how new, upcoming and promising technologies are trying to bring more robots in our everyday lives.”
Tsampikos Kounalakis is a Robotics researcher at the Danish Technological Institute. He holds a B.Sc. (2011) in Applied Informatics and Multimedia from Technological Educational Institute of Crete. He received a Ph.D. (2015) in 3D Computer Vision from Brunel University, United Kingdom. He has been employed as a post-doctoral researcher at Robotics, Vision and Machine intelligence Laboratory (RVMI) and AAU Medialogy section in Copenhagen. He has been involved in various research projects and has been the organizer for robotic workshops. His research is in the area of Machine learning, Deep learning, Mobile Robotics, Computer vision, and Image processing.