Funding Opportunities

Here you will find all the information you need about event funding opportunities. Please make sure you read carefully all information provided on this page. You will find details about the eligibility criteria, the various funding opportunities available, required follow-up materials, and general information about the application process. Should you have any questions, reach out to us at

Funding Eligibility Criteria

  • Any IEEE Cyprus Section organization unit can submit a funding request provided that the event is of interest to IEEE members, or possible IEEE members.
  • One representative of the IEEE unit organizing the event submits a funding request at least 4 weeks before the event is scheduled to take place. Please make sure you submit all necessary materials!
  • Funding requests submitted less than 4 weeks prior to the event will not be reviewed, and funding will not be granted under any circumstance!
  • The maximum amount of funding provided for each funding type will only be granted if appropriately justified by final expense reports, the number of attendees, quality of follow-up materials, and the overall impact of the event. The impact of the event will be determined by the number of attendees, the presence of any significant participants/speakers, partnerships or collaborations with other IEEE organizational units or the Industry, and reach on social media (posts, amount of views, and the number of unique engagements).
  • All information concerning these points must be included in the follow-up event report.
  • Should your funding be initially approved, you will have to submit follow-up documents after the event takes place.
  • Please be aware that funding is issued only after the event takes place and the required follow-up materials are received. Initial approval does not necessarily mean that you will get the funds requested.
  • The approved amount of funds may be lower/different from the requested amount due to the content of the application or follow-up materials.
  • The funding committee reserves the right to request documentation to prove the costs of events before approving for funding. A request for the event’s costs check may also be done at random into any Event Application.
  • In order to benefit from IEEE Cyprus Section funding, the group applying for funding must use the correct IEEE Cyprus Section branding. Checks will be conducted on each group applying and their online presence to ensure they do use the correct IEEE Cyprus Section logo, correct terminology, and abide by other branding rules as described in the branding document.

Required follow-up materials to be submitted after the event

If your event funding has been approved, you will need to submit the necessary follow-up documents. These materials should be submitted within 6 weeks after the event takes place. The required follow-up materials include:

  • Detailed report of the event (Microsoft Word or PDF format). This should include: Description of the event and its outcomes
  • Number of attendees (divided according to IEEE and non-IEEE members)
  • Impact of the event (presence of any significant participants/speakers, partnerships or collaborations with other IEEE organizational units or Industry, and reach on social media – including posts, amount of views, and number of unique engagements)
  • Final budget. Please include both the tentative budget and the actual spendings, either on separate spreadsheets, or side by side, for comparison purposes.
  • Photos or videos from the event
  • Copies of all advertising materials used (flyers, posters, email invitations, etc.)
  • Link to the vTools event report for this event
  • Link to the public website of the organizational unit and its social media accounts.

Groups that fail to submit the required follow-up materials within 6 weeks after the event took place will not receive any event funding. Should a group fail to submit follow-up materials for several events, they may be temporarily banned from benefiting from IEEE Cyprus Section event funding.